If you would like to give financially to help support the work here at Keynsham Elim, please see the methods below
Make a payment direct to our bank account using your location and name as the reference, e.g. KEYN John Smith.
Sort code: 60-05-16
Account number: 18533523
You can also use these details to arrange a regular standing order through internet or telephone banking, or at your local branch.
If you are a tax payer please print and complete the form below and send to Keynsham Elim Church, Balmoral Road, Keynsham, BS31 1AL
Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. So, £100 can be turned into £125 as long as donations are made through Gift Aid.
You can also text CK005 to 64647. You will receive instructions which direct you straight to the donation page.
If you would like to give by cheque, please send your cheque to Keynsham Elim Church, Balmoral Road, Keynsham, BS31 1AL
Any cash donations can be given on Sunday morning's onsite at Keynsham Elim church.